Unlock your potential.

Get back to doing what you love

Here at Key Chiropractic, we love seeing all walks of life. New born babies to the elderly and everyone in-between. We love seeing athletes striving to get to the next level or even people just wanting to get out of back pain or having headaches due to their desk job. We can help everyone. We want to see a community of thriving families and individuals unlocking their potential.

Our style of chiropractic is versatile. No two bodies are the same, we utilise various different techniques to help you achieve your goals.

range of motion, girl adjustment, neck pain, chiropractic

Chiropractic care with a difference

Here at Key Chiropractic we pride ourselves on our level of care. We strive for excellence in what we do and hope it shows when looking after you.

You will notice positive changes in your body whether it may be less pain, better sleeping, increase in energy or may even feel a boost in mood. We are here to walk you through every step.

We do a thorough assessment to make sure we are finding the cause of your issue and not just treat a symptom.

What to expect with us

  • x-ray, chiropractic, back pain

    We listen

    In order to best help you, it is important for us to listen to how this problem has been affecting you, as well as your goals. In this stage we take a thorough clinical history including your diet, lifestyle, and stress. Our number 1 goal for this stage is to make sure you feel heard and understood.

  • back pain, chiropractic, lower back pain, adjusted, girl


    Our comprehensive examination process includes neurological, orthopaedic and musculoskeletal tests all designed to establish an accurate diagnosis. You may need to be referred for x-rays or additional tests at this stage.

  • back adjustment, lower back pain, side posture adjustment

    Personalised Care

    Once we have formulated an accurate diagnosis, we will then create a tailored treatment plan designed specifically to help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time. Everything will be discussed with you so there are no surprises.

  • posture, chiropractic, adjustment, shoulder pain


    Our team will take a holistic approach to helping you heal. On top of our chiropractic adjustments, you will also be given rehabilitative exercises, lifestyle and ergonomic advice, plus tools to manage stress. Preventing future issues is our bread and butter.

Meet the Team

  • Miqdad Rashid, Doctor of chiropractic, back pain, neck pain

    Dr Miqdad Rashid


  • Dr John Seo


“The Preservation of health, is easier than the cure of disease.”

BJ Palmer

Conditions we help with

Here at Key Chiropractic we are ready to help you become free from chronic pain and conditions. Browse through the most common conditions we can help with, and find out if chiropractic is right for you!


  • Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession in the world, It is a very safe, effective and affordable approach to health that utilizes the innate ability of the body to heal itself. The primary approach of the chiropractor is very specific spinal adjustments which have a profound effect on the nervous system and human health and performance Due to its effectiveness chiropractic is covered under ACC and many insurance plans. In Canada and the USA chiropractors also work in hospitals. A number of progressive companies including Facebook and Google have employed chiropractors on staff for their employees.

  • A subluxation (also known as the Vertebral Subluxation Complex or VSC) is a functional change in your spine, where vertebrae have lost their normal function or alignment, and compromise nerve system function. As the nervous system is the master controller of the body, a subluxation can have detrimental effects on the function and performance of the human body.

  • Subluxations can be caused by a major stress to the body, or minor repeated stresses over time. Typically, stresses are emotional, chemical or physical. We are also seeing the effects of electromagnetic radiation from common technology such as Wi-Fi. Common causes include car accidents, sports injuries falls, sudden jarring, one sided sports such as cricket batting and bowling. Look at the impact of playing rugby on the body and spine, or the jarring from non-contact sports such as netball and basketball. Other causes include improper sleeping conditions or habits, poor posture occupational hazards, repetitive strain via computer use or TV watching, text neck, incorrect lifting practices, obesity, and a lack of rest and exercise. Oh, and did we mention stress... A poor diet also contributes to poor spinal health.

  • Very specifically and as gently as possible Doctors of Chiropractic focus on the spine and its relationship to the nervous system. They are trained to restore the misaligned vertebrae to their proper alignment in the spinal column which is done manually utilizing the chiropractic procedure known as a spinal adjustment. At Align Chiropractic and Wellness we use a variety of techniques in applying corrective pressure to the spine in a specific direction and location, assisted by specific tables and equipment. These techniques and equipment help restore the alignment and function of the vertebrae and spinal joints, and as a result improve the functioning and wellbeing of the entire body.

  • Absolutely. Chiropractic patients range in years from birth to old age. Regardless of age, the vertebrae can become misaligned or subluxated. For example, the birth process may cause trauma to the neck and spine. Left uncorrected. the vertebral subluxation may disturb the delicate spinal cord and nerves which control the youngster's muscles and organs. In some cases, an uncorrected subluxation may lead to a deformity of the spinal column. An early chiropractic checkup may detect common spinal problems while they are still easily and gently correctable. The amount of pressure required to adjust a newborns spine is about the amount of pressure you would use with your finger if you were to press on your closed eye. Parents report that children who grow up having chiropractic check-ups are healthier, more balanced and do well at school.

  • Because of the additional weight and stress on the body in pregnant women, chiropractic adjustments have helped millions of women have more comfortable pregnancies and easier deliveries. Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help reduce pain in the low back and legs, and between the shoulder blades. Many women describe decreased indigestion during the later stages of pregnancy. Over the years we have assisted many pregnant mums. We work with many midwives to assist a normal, natural and safe delivery

  • Typically chiropractic adjustments do not hurt or cause pain. In cases of recent trauma, such as whiplash, mild discomfort may be experienced due to inflammation. The most common side effect is a feeling of muscle soreness the following day. This happens in a small percentage of our patients and usually when they begin care, and subsides quickly.

  • One of the most common questions we are asked. It is a common misconception that your joints must make a noise to be properly adjusted. However, frequently when your spine is adjusted, the smooth articular (joint) surfaces become separated, creating and then releasing a small vacuum, making a noise. This is the sound made when you crack your knuckles. The amount of noise produced does not correlate with the success of the adjustment.

  • There are three types of chiropractic care, similar to the models of dental care available. Relief care. This will help you feel better and create some stability in your spine. This can range from one to several visits. Corrective care. Designed beyond symptomatic care to get your spine to maximum level of function. Optimum spinal function has a very positive effect on your nervous system and health. Wellness Care Maintenance care to maintain your spinal health and wellbeing. People. choose their own frequency for this and it ranges from once a week check-up to once every six weeks As with any other health service the choice of how long you choose to benefit from chiropractic Care is always up to you. We find that clients who understand the relationship between their spine and overall health, and have experienced the benefits of this, choose to have regular chiropractic check- ups in the same way they get their teeth checked or their car serviced

  • Performance, injury prevention and faster recovery from injury. Michael Jordan sad "I didn't know how much I could improve until I started seeing a chiropractor. I've improved leaps and bounds both physically and mentally” In the USA, most professional sports teams have a team chiropractor. In Australia three AFL teams have chiropractors. In these teams chiropractors work alongside and with the Physios and medical director. Ilt is an athlete centered approach. Research has shown that athletes have greater strength and reaction time after getting adjusted. If a competitive athlete has normal spinal and pelvic biomechanics and therefore neurology, they are less prone to injury. When an athlete does suffer an injury at training or on the field, chiropractic care assists the healing process There is a great video on YouTube of John Stockton suffering a very serious ankle injury during an NBA game, He was adjusted and kept playing the game.

  • We do not personally take x-rays here at Key Chiropractic, we do see the huge amount of information they can give us, particularly with previous history of trauma. We will refer you to the closest place that get x-rays done if we see it to be clinically justified.

Get started with us, today.